Shishshathwa Result 2024 : Grade 5 Scholarship Exam Sri Lanka

Shishshathwa Result 16-11-2024 Grade 5 Scholarship Exam Sri Lanka : Grade 5 Scholarship Exam: The Grade 5 Scholarship Exam (also known as the Shishshathwa Exam) is a highly competitive examination administered by the Department of Examinations in Sri Lanka. Students who excel in this exam are awarded scholarships to attend national schools, which are considered to be the most prestigious educational institutions in the country. The exam covers a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, Sinhala, English, and social studies.

  • Shishshathwa (Education): More generally, the term “Shishshathwa” refers to the process of educating and nurturing young minds. It encompasses not only formal schooling but also informal learning that takes place at home, in the community, and through personal experiences. Shishshathwa is seen as a crucial foundation for building a strong and knowledgeable society.

In both its specific and general senses, Shishshathwa is a highly valued concept in Sri Lanka. It is seen as a pathway to social mobility and a means of achieving one’s full potential. Parents and educators alike place great emphasis on preparing children for the Shishshathwa Exam and fostering a lifelong love of learning.

Here are some of the key characteristics of Shishshathwa:

  • Holistic: Shishshathwa aims to develop students’ intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being.
  • Inclusive: Shishshathwa strives to provide opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • Lifelong: Shishshathwa is not just about preparing for exams; it is about cultivating a passion for learning that will last a lifetime.

Shishshathwa plays a vital role in shaping the future of Sri Lanka. By nurturing bright and talented students, it contributes to the country’s social, economic, and cultural development.

Shishshathwa Result 16-11-2024 : Grade 5 Scholarship Exam Sri Lanka

The Shishshathwa Exam results for 2023 are expected to be announced in the first week of December. The Department of Examinations has not yet released an official date, but it is likely to be announced within the next few weeks.

Students can check their results online through the Department of Examinations website. They will need to enter their index number and date of birth to access their results.

The Shishshathwa Exam is a highly competitive examination, and students who are successful will be able to attend national schools, which are considered to be the most prestigious educational institutions in the country. The exam covers a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, Sinhala, English, and social studies.

Students who are not successful in the Shishshathwa Exam will still be able to attend government schools. However, national schools are generally considered to provide a higher quality of education, and students who attend these schools are more likely to be successful in their future studies and careers.

The results of the 2023 Grade 5 Scholarship Examination were released on November 16, 2023. The results can be accessed online through the Department of Examinations website.

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