Z Score Cut-Off Marks 2024 A/L 2023/24 Academic Year University Selection

Z Score Cut-Off Marks 2024 A/L 2023/24 Academic Year University Selection :- A Z-score cut-off mark is a specific score or threshold that is used to determine whether a student has passed or failed a test or examination. The Z-score, also known as a standard score, is a measure of how many standard deviations a particular score is from the mean score of a group of students. A Z-score cut-off mark is typically set based on the distribution of scores among the students taking the test, and it is used to separate students who have performed well from those who have performed poorly.

For example, a Z-Score Cut-off Mark of 1.0 may be used to separate students who score above the mean score from those who score below the mean score. A Z-score cut-off mark of -1.0 may be used to separate students who score below the mean score from those who score above the mean score. It’s worth noting that different institutions or programs may use different Z-score cut-off marks, or may use different methodologies to determine the passing or failing status of a student. It’s always best to check with the specific institution or program for their specific cut-off marks and procedures.

Z Score Cut-Off Marks 2024 A/L 2023/24 Academic Year University Selection

The Z-score is a measure of how many standard deviations a particular score is from the mean score of a group of students. In the context of the Advanced Level (A/L) examination in Sri Lanka, the Z-score is used to rank the students who sat for the examination in a particular year. The Department of Examinations (DoE) of Sri Lanka calculates the Z-score for each student based on the student’s individual results and the results of all other students who sat for the examination in the same year.

The Z-score is used to determine the cut-off marks for university entrance, which is the minimum score a student needs to achieve in order to be eligible for university admission. The cut-off marks are determined based on the Z-scores of the students, as well as the number of university places available and the number of students who are eligible for university admission. It’s worth noting that the calculation of the Z-score and the cut-off marks may change each year, depending on the number of students who sat for the examination, the overall performance of the students, and the number of university places available. It’s always best to check with the Department of Examinations for the most current and accurate information.

Z Score Sri Lanka Overview Details :-

The Z-score is a measure of how many standard deviations a particular score is from the mean score of a group of students. In Sri Lanka, the Z-score is used to rank the students who sat for the GCE Advanced Level (A/L) examination. The Department of Examinations (DoE) of Sri Lanka calculates the Z-score for each student based on the student’s individual results and the results of all other students who sat for the examination in the same year.

The Z-score is used to determine the Cut-Off Marks for University Entrance, which is the minimum score a student needs to achieve in order to be eligible for University Admission. The Cut-off marks are determined based on the Z-scores of the students, as well as the number of university places available and the number of students who are eligible for university admission.

  • The Z-Score is Calculated by using the Following Formula:
  • Z = (X-µ)/ σ


  • X = the student’s score
  • µ = the mean score of all students who sat for the examination
  • σ = the standard deviation of the scores of all Students who sat for the Examination

The Z-score is a normalized score that allows for the comparison of a student’s performance to the performance of all other students who sat for the examination.

It’s worth noting that the calculation of the Z-score and the cut-off marks may change each year, depending on the number of students who sat for the examination, the overall performance of the students, and the number of university places available. It’s always best to check with the Department of Examinations for the most current and accurate information.

How to Check Z-Score Cut Off Marks 2024

To Check the Z-Score Cut-Off Marks for University Admission in Sri Lanka, you will typically need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Official Website of the Department of Examinations (DoE) of Sri Lanka. www.ugc.ac.lk
  2. Look for the link or menu option for “Results” or “Cut-Off Marks.”
  3. Click on the link for “Z-Score Cut-Off Marks” or “University Admissions.”
  4. Select the appropriate academic year for which you wish to check the cut-off marks.
  5. Look for the option to download or view the cut-off marks.
  6. You can also check the cut off marks by visiting the university admission website.

Please note that the process for viewing and accessing the cut-off marks may vary depending on the DoE’s website, and it’s always best to check the official website of the Department of Examinations for detailed instructions.

It’s also worth noting that the cut-off marks may change each year, depending on the number of students who sat for the examination, the overall performance of the students, and the number of university places available. It’s always best to check with the Department of Examinations for the most current and accurate information.

Visit the Official Website for Complete Detailed information : Click Here

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